
Breaking Down Barriers: Enhancing Access to Mental Health Care
Posted on Friday, October 11, 2024 01:15 PM
Breaking Down Barriers: How Partners, Including Crossroads, Enhance Access to Mental Health Care
Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre (CCMHC), an Ottawa-based mental health organization, is one of many partners collaborating to make pediatric mental health care simpler and quicker to navigate.
Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre works exclusively with children up to age 12 and their families/caregivers, providing a wide range of individualized mental... Report: May 2021 to December 2023
Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:19 PM is happy to share their report with you with information shared from May 2021 to December 2023. To review the report, please click here. is a service designed to help children, youth and their families connect to the Mental Health, Addictions, and Substance Use Healthcare (MHASUH) they need. opened its doors on May 31, 2021, and by the end of 2023 had connected with over 18,000 children youth and their families from Eastern Ontario, helping them find...

Kids Come First Accepts Children’s Healthcare Canada Award for Organizational Leadership!
Posted on Tuesday, December 05, 2023 02:18 PM
This national award recognizes the leadership of Kids Come First in enabling the best healthcare for Canada’s children and youth, inspiring change and innovation that has had significant and lasting impact, and demonstrating the value of partnerships and collaboration within the health care community.
Thank you to Children’s Healthcare Canada for this special award and thank you to our dedicated partners, clinicians, and staff who work tirelessly to provide the best care possible. Most importantly, thank you to... Receives Children’s Healthcare Canada Award in Family and Person-Centred Care!
Posted on Tuesday, December 05, 2023 02:17 PM
This award was created to honour teams or programs who have set in place innovations that improve the human experience in healthcare.
The story of involves an amazing journey, working alongside parents, caregivers, young people, and partners determined to design, build, and implement an innovative and better way for children and youth to access the right services for them. has been a game changer for kids and families in terms of helping them connect to the care they...

A Clinic Visit and Story from the Eganville Leader!
Posted on Wednesday, November 01, 2023 04:00 PM
November arrived with an article in the Eganville Leader focussed on Kids Come First Vaccinate & Up-to-Date clinics in Cobden. Made possible through a dynamic partnership between The Renfrew County District Public Health Unit, Rainbow Valley Community Health Centre in Killaloe and ConnectWell Community Health Centre in Beachburg, the article includes interviews with families, staff and helpful information.
Posted: 2023-11-01